How Souls Reunite in Heaven

How Souls Reunite in Heaven

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Are Our Loved Ones Ready for Us? Psychic Medium Matt Fraser Shares The Reply.

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  1. Hi Matt, I enjoy watching you on YouTube. I’ve always felt a little psychic and can sometimes feel my loved ones spirits. At first I thought am I going crazy or is this real?
    In the past I’ve always been freaked out and scared but I’m starting to accept it more. How can I tune in to it more so that I can receive messages from them?

  2. I understand it this way…we've lived many lives & crossing over is going home. Since we've crossed over many times, we already know the other souls so a baby has been there before, therefor, know & recognize their soul family.

  3. I sometimes, all of a sudden, smell cigarette smoke when no one near me is smoking in the room. My dad passed away a long time ago and my dad was a smoker. Do you think it is him coming to visit me? I know he is in heaven bc he did have his last rites in the hospital while in a coma.

  4. I feel so sad about Suzanne Somers. It is really making me sad. I watched her latest show with her husband selling her products. And seeing her granddaughters selling too. Got addicted to it. Maybe because my friend died a few weeks ago so already sad