Do Dead People Watch You In The Shower !?

Do Dead People Watch You In The Shower !?

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Certainly, Your Loved Ones In Spirit Can See Every thing You Do, But Never Freak Out! This is Why…

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  1. I sure hope my loved ones aren't spending their afterlife watching my every move! How boring an afterlife would that be spent lingering around the living. Definitely I hope my loved ones know my love and thoughts, visit me from time to timr, are there for spiritual support when I need it most. But I hope the y are living after life! I hope they are spending time with the souls of everyone they loved that passed over before them, finding family, friends, pets, ancestors, persons they wished they had known throughout time, finding answers to all those questions of the universe that hurt our brain to ponder in our physical minds. I hope that heaven is an all encompassing love and better place than this physical planet. I pray my loved ones are enjoying the afterlife and are not bound by "apron-strings" to the living. Just as a parent wishes their child to be free to experience life I wish for my parents and loved one to be free to experience the spiritual world, be all knowing, all loving, etc. The thought of them wasting time hanging around seeing how we live life feels as sad as a parent that won't allow their child the freedom to live!

  2. Our precious beautiful Mom passed away August 5th 17 days shy of her 94th birthday from dementia a horrible disease and we miss her everyday and her favorite color was green and she also loved sparkles . This morning my sister made a coffee like she does every morning and uses a grey coaster to put her coffee on . This morning she noticed her coaster had green sparkles on it and the trim around the coaster was purple my sisters favourite color . Our precious Dad passed away on January 14th and Dad just celebrated his 95th birthday November 22nd. And Dad's favourite color was blue and on this same coaster was a blue sparkle . What does all of this mean we are baffled because we find precious stuff everyday . Our Mom is associated with dimes because she was always digging out dimes for my sister's and myself to buy us a treat and now I find dimes everywhere and lots of stuff with green on it….

  3. Hi matt nice channel.. matt i have friend youngky jewelry in satria market denpasar bali. He selling dagger & stone but sometimed he not respon me i"m sad. My name is I Gede wira adiputra,, born thrusday16december1993, penarungan bangkiangsidem mengwi badungbali. Job sales, marketing, real estate broker, pool

  4. My mom and I had a difficult relationship. We barely spoke or saw each other the last 4yrs of her life. I was angry,hurt, and pulled away from her. I didn’t fully feel loved. I regret not seeing her and wonder if she even cares about my life. She was spiteful in this world so I feel that she isn’t watching over me or cares.