Child Gives Her Mother a Message from a Past Life – Ghost Inside My Child (S1 Flashback) | LMN

Child Gives Her Mother a Message from a Past Life – Ghost Inside My Child (S1 Flashback) | LMN

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A female offers her mom a shocking information from her past life in this flashback from Season 1, Episode 3, “Orphan Trains & Resort Flames.”


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Join the journey of 5 family members who have been touched by reincarnation. Two kids will experience a reunion with an individual from their past life hoping for solutions and closure. 1 emotional stick to-up to a reunion will illustrate the profound effects it had on two lives. And two all new stories, a 4-year-aged who has religious know-how his mom and dad won’t be able to describe and a 13-12 months-old whose past life memories as a Samurai warrior are very important in his fight with Leukemia. 5 amazing testimonies that will have you issue all you know about reincarnation.

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  1. sounds like mama has talents and gifts she is not aware of 🙂 she should try to figure them out if she is being told about them that way. My guess is she is bordering or on the line of her gift, that she is interested in that craft just needs that shove to embrace it. People are not usually told that way about gifts, they are eased into it over time so I'm thinking this is someothing that is kinda on a timeline and that her time to ignore it is over. Usually if it's done this drastically it is for the greater good, to help the world somehow.

  2. Birthmarks, scars and photographic evidence! Some of the strongest evidence ever brought forth on the reality of reincarnation. A Civil War general John B. Gordon's reincarnation, plus a great story of a young boy, 9/11 and the reincarnation of a New York City firefighter who perished in one of the Twin Towers. The full story as told by the boy's mother on (and off) a popular Reincarnation Forum starting in 2007 up to the present day. Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero.