3-Year-Old Girl Walked Into a Fire – “IT'S UNCANNY” (S1) | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

3-Year-Old Girl Walked Into a Fire – “IT'S UNCANNY” (S1) | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

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  1. What a beautiful child! I hope parents listen and question their children if they speak about things like this. It’ll give you some small insight into why they’re here on earth. One of my daughters also spoke about picking my spouse and I because we’re not mean like her other parents had been, who’d locked her in the cellar.(A word we’ve NEVER used-we use “basement”.) She wasn’t quite 2 1/2 when she spoke about this; there’s no way she could’ve imagined this.✨

  2. Decades ago I had a similar memory. On phrase from that time was, "Sometimes you choose to go into the fire". When I was little I had a memory that I could not place, when I was a teenager and asked my mom and granny they told me I was not there ..yet. It was from an event that happened several years before I was born. Your kid has a Gift. Thank you for sharing that gift with us. Let Jada know if she has any more memories that its ok. She is not alone in returning here. )O(

  3. There is a great story of a young boy, 9/11 and the reincarnation of a New York City firefighter who perished in one of the Twin Towers. The full story as told by the boy's mother on (and off) a popular Reincarnation Forum starting in 2007 up to the present day. The books full title, Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero. The author is Jeffrey Keene a retired Asst. Fire Chief.

  4. Anyone who's studied the Cathars knows they're very special and exceptional people. This beautiful little girl didn't deserve to die the way she did in her previous life.
    But then again, most of us don't, and I'm definitely not coming back here.

  5. These stories would be far more believable if it didn't ALWAYS end with "letting go" after some ridiculous hollywood ritual or visiting the place that is "tormenting" them. stop coaching your kids, the script reading is atrocious and painfully obvious.