Young Girl REINCARNATED from an Ancient World | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

Young Girl REINCARNATED from an Ancient World | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

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  1. I would love to hear a youtube video slthat shows lots of profile cases of people reincarnating here from other planets preferably with advanced alien civilizations and have these people describe in details what their other planet was like and what that alien civilization was like. Does anyone know of or have any info on videos like this they can recommend?

  2. I have a lot of what I call "dream memories." They are dreams that are not only vivid, but also such that I apparently know the people in them while I'm in the dream, and I see animals and technology that doesn't exist here. Often, we are not speaking verbally, and there are no signs with writing or anything on them. Often, I am in some place, and I apparently know where I am in relation to another place, or I know I have to follow a particular route that is familiar to me. This is either from a different world OR from a previous Interglacial Period in between one of the Ice Ages. We are usually the cause of these Ice Ages, which is long enough to reduce the radiation to background or safe levels – what if "background radiation" is from nuclear wars long, long after they happened?

  3. I would love it to be true but just can not help feeling some of this truth telling is people looking for fame and fortune.
    I can believe the under 5 years as they just don't have the corrupt tendency that older people have.
    I believe there is something but still not sure what. We all cross the river eventually so one day I will find out. Just not yet as I love my wife and kids so not ready.

  4. And you know it’s real cuz she said it’s cool that there was stuff that could connect back too it like imagine you died rn and come back in like 1000 years and recall memories of your name and family and be like yea bro I used to game a lot with my homies bro it’s so cool that I can just reconnect with that