She Believes This Is Her Own Burial Plot – The Ghost Inside My Child (S1, E4) | Full Episode

She Believes This Is Her Own Burial Plot – The Ghost Inside My Child (S1, E4) | Full Episode

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  1. A female friend of mine said that she hated to have anything around her neck for all her youth, and even though in adult life she can wear a chain she cannot sleep in one or anything tight around her neck.
    She said she always felt like she was choking or suffocating.

    She explained going with friends to Paris ,France in 1984 and while there spoke fluent French even though her language was English and had never learnt French at school.
    While in France she visited Versailles castle with a
    friend who afterwards told her that she acted crazy inside the castle.

    According to the friend she started saying a name…Louis and bend down in a courtesy..speaking in French.

    She told the friend " why?… didn't you see Louis my husband, he was right there next to me."

  2. I really like these shows. I've always believed in these possibilities…. just because YOU don't believe, doesn't mean it's not plausible. BUT HEY (and this is directed to those doing the filming) stop showing just eyes or mouths!!!!!!!

  3. I love the content of these videos, but I have to complain about how they keep jumping from one story to the other and repeat what they said. I feel like they could be shorter and just as effective.

  4. I don't know how old this show is but if anyone knows the mother of the little boy that feel of the building in his last life, tell her to see DrBrianWeiss. He has a lot of experience doing past life regression under hypnosis and has helped a lot of people deal with problems originating in past lives. Maybe the kid could hear again.

  5. Brennon is so sweet. I love when he said, I came down here because my mom wanted a baby! I love the way he dresses . So, Classy, diffently an old soul. I hope he continues to have a wonderful life. ❤ I hope Amy can enjoy the rest of her life & be able to enjoy life to the fullest, that Lucille never got too. she has a wonderful family who love & support her. Now that she understands who she was, she can live a happier, healthier life & Hopefully, one day have a family of her own.

  6. Reincarnation is not always violent
    The series is really bad due to the horror movie type editing that chilly background music description narrative titles and the only understanding that reincarnations are always violent
    That is totally wrong
    Hinduism believes and explains it in incredible detail

  7. They really over use the bowed cymbal sound effect. Three times in 30 seconds. Is there any other sound you can play? One I hear it it’s all I can hear then I find myself counting, 36..37. There must be at least 200 of those sound effects on this video.

  8. I would’ve had soo many questions. What did you do before you were brought to me on the horse? How long was it between the horse ride and when you woke up? What did it look like where you were? So many many questions.

  9. These kids are almost semi God, they are on the last few look Iives as humans and are going up a level. And psychic is the next step of our reality . And the next Dimension use pretty much juicy 360° around yourself you can seem Ashley into the distance you can basically see pretty much forever you only see other beings you get like download of information and anytime you see these other beings you learn a bit about them and want not. You see them either more than just now you see them as they were as your younger is it or is it get older you see in this god-like futuristic way becoming basically much like via Angelic beings and other beans there's all psychic we're all psychic and when you go outside the body and you're outside you so you you that's how everyone will communicate to you. You don't hear much more over there when you die you'll hear some strange tones of some supposed to some beautiful music of the music over there is different. It's a real reality over there things are made up more of light and energy stuff but it's real it's actual place actual things going on look into the near-death experiences that's where you'll get the answer to these children. They're coming from there with memories of there and that's probably go in between our million lies we live on this Earth everybody knows when you get over there is distance Myers to them you're given the huge amount of information that you just cannot store in the human body you really got to listen to what these people who've died and then to the other side had to say and there are huge amount of nde videos on YouTube.

  10. All of these children have the same common beginnings in THIS life: walking and talking very lives, earlier than kids their age, adopting the clothes they wore in the past life, being especially involved with certain people or places, memories of how they died, etc. Humanity: We are born gain and again via reincarnation. We change bodies each time but retain the same Soul and Spirit lifetime after lifetime. We are spiritual beings having human existances (pardon my spelling).

  11. Well, one thing I've gathered from all these episodes is that there is a reason the majority of us aren't able to recall any past lives and that is because it could make it hard to live in our current lives, especially as children.

  12. I think Brennan is prob abused by his mother. She seems like the type that is abusive & I think she beat him & that's how he got hearing loss. Both of these mother's seem abusive to their children. Abuse can be hidden & emotional too. Stop abusing your child for attention seeking reasons it's sick & twisted.

  13. I feel like all of these magical, wonderful & unique children, should all have their own special reunion one day. That way, they can share their stories and have their own support community.

  14. The devil presents himself as an angel of light. Dont be deceived, nothing good awaits you on the other side if you die without Jesus. Repent and turn to Him. Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.

  15. Amy is no more the reincarnation of Lucille Ricksen than I am.

    Many kids who recall past lives come up with startling specific, accurate, and provable details that they couldn't have possibly known as a young child. Amy's story is so incredibly blurry and vague. No real specifics. Very few details, nothing that cant be found in countless books, articles, documentaries, etc, about the silent movie era and its stars.

    I think Amy is just a wannabe and Lucille's memory deserves better than having some wannabe latch on to her memory, falsely claiming to have been her in a past life. Get your own life, lady!