Live Psychic Show: Woman Receives Life-Saving Message from Beyond the Grave!

Live Psychic Show: Woman Receives Life-Saving Message from Beyond the Grave!

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  1. My aunt Zena, she had such a hard and heart breaking life. The last few years, people thought she lost it because she would talk to loved ones that were in the afterlife, she would have conversations like they were in front of her. I think she was just closer to the end then anyone knew, and I also think my grandmother was there to talk to her and comfort her through her remaining years. Most people may see their loved ones when they are very close to the end, but I think my aunt just walked the last few years with one foot in each world.

  2. My husband sees only dead people on the road too. We call them roadkill spirits but some of them show their injuries, like we saw a man with half of a face and then we saw a man strolling down a very busy street in the middle of the road, in the heaviest oldest wool, dark colors plaid suit and had a cane