Do Spirits Hear Our Thoughts?

Do Spirits Hear Our Thoughts?

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  1. Great advertising may I say. You really nailed that part for the rest you are one of the biggest fakes I have ever heard. Plus you don’t need to scream at the screen every poor person why believes in you can hear you.

  2. Just stumbled across you Matt at the perfect time.
    It's helping my grief. My mother has come through to set the record straight, and I'm working through childhood wounds.
    I have a longing to hear from my father and hope to do one of your online meetings.

  3. I feel like we are constantly told we cant grieve ffs.
    Why cant they move on if we're in the grieving process ?
    Thats just fkn bullsh*t !!
    Its not fair if its true, its fkd !
    Only a parent know what its lije to lose a kid, and fk anyone who cannot empathise with that !!