When Tragedy Strikes, the One Question that Helps – Afterlife TV

When Tragedy Strikes, the One Question that Helps – Afterlife TV

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Chunk-Sized Episode (15 min.): Since March, we have been living amidst tragedy and hardship. For some, it’s a health and fitness crisis. For others, fiscal. Nevertheless others are enduring distress and misfortune that may differ as extensive and weighty as anyone’s imagination can fathom. From an afterlife viewpoint, this episode is about what I discovered about working with tragedy even though I was investigating the afterlife.

This episode focuses on the a person question—the ONLY question—we ought to request ourselves when calamity knocks us down in order to go in a optimistic course. It also addresses the 1 dilemma we ordinarily inquire ourselves that under no circumstances, at any time prospects to a favourable result. This, of course, is based mostly on this Afterlife Investigator’s sudden discovery during a 23-yr investigation of life after death. Enjoy!

With so substantially love it will make your eyes h2o,
Bob Olson AfterlifeTV.com and BobOlson.com

PS, If you look at the video clip, I should give credit score for all the attractive shots to my wonderful wife, Melissa. I am commonly going for walks with her when she requires them, but she sees attractiveness exactly where I normally pass up it. I absolutely really like recognizing the gifts other people have that are foreign to me.

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Responses ABOUT THE AFTERLIFE: A Non-public Investigator’s 15-Calendar year Research Unlocks the Mysteries of Existence after Death (paperback, Kindle & audiobook)

The Magic Mala: A Story That Modifications Life (paperback, Kindle & audiobook)

BOB’S Writer Web site (Book information, Mala recommendations, and Blog site)


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  1. Thanks, Bob, for your podcast, When Tragedy Strikes … . I have both your ebooks and appreciate your kind and caring attitude that comes through from your podcasts. My little sister just found out that she has a bone tumor that will require some serious surgery and rehab. I’d like to send her your message, but I don’t want intrude beyond the simple messages of caring and love that I have sent her. I’ll pray about sending it. Thanks, again. David

  2. Bob, A very big thank to you from my heart to you, your two books, your channel and all the interviews on this channel. I have learnt a lot from all this. On a lighter note, I wonder whether technology could help to telecast your episodes to the souls who have not yet seen and entered into God’s Light.

  3. You have no idea how much you are appreciated Bob. Thank you wife for us for the GORGEOUS pics. I love the message and can relate so well. It shook my faith to the core as well. You've helped me on my journey after the tragedy Bob. Again, thank you and much LOVING energy coming your way. ❤❤❤

  4. Bob, my boyfriend just passed away a month ago, but I am angry at him for keeping things as a secret from me. this is really killing me! I really don't know how to cope with this grief. I'm angry and sad at the same time. Am I wrong for being angry at someone who just passed away?

  5. Bob that was so beautifully put. I am going to share with my husband who is slowly coming around. It has only taken me 62 years but that is ok. So many lessons that are, in the moment, almost unbearable but have taught me so much. The suicide of my brother when I was 22 and the recent suicide of my nephew followed by his girlfriends suicide 6 months later. Many more, but put into the perspective of eternity and lessons, makes total sense to me and makes my life, and my experiences so much more.

  6. I'm so glad that I clicked on this episode of Afterlife TV. So much of what was said, in particular the excerpt from Answers About The Afterlife, resonated with me. For some time now, many years and decades in fact, I've struggled with so much in my life. Whilst the last couple of years have been marginally better (lots of self reflection and a paradigm shift in how I think about my life and those around me has helped enormously) I still struggle from time to time. So, I can't thank you enough, Bob, for these much appreciated and sorely needed, words of wisdom.

  7. Bob, precise insights into our multidimensional existence. Incidently, our culture hear in India accepts traditionally that our soul's do pass thro' realms of reality and can come back to further our evolution and emancipation into the eternal oneness. Awesome work Bob.