The Secrets of Consciousness | Part II: Consciousness Without Brain

The Secrets of Consciousness | Part II: Consciousness Without Brain

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Pure science as we know it right now, conceives human consciousness as a byproduct of chemical reactions in the brain. An assumption which is, usually speaking, hardly questioned. Yet, plentiful phenomena point out that in actuality human consciousness is feasible without having the body, with no the brain.

00:00:01 John Cleese/Prof. Edward Kelly: Is consciousness a byproduct of chemical reactions in the brain?
00:02:28 Consciousness devoid of a mind – Prof. Ulrich Ott, neuroscientist
00:06:15 Does “lived spirituality” basically exhibit up in the brain?
00:10:00 Can people today who are in a coma consciously perceive some thing? – Joachim Nicolay, philosopher and psychologist
00:10:52 Terrifying experiences
00:13:58 Optimistic near-death experiences – Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon
00:16:09 The circumstance of Eben Alexander – Bruce Greyson, psychiatrist and neuroscientist
00:19:56 In which does consciousness appear from? – Prof. Ulrich Ott
00:22:21 Does materialism need to have to be triumph over? – Edward Kelly, psychologist, neuroscientist and thanatologist
00:25:20 The conversation amongst mind and mind – Bruce Greyson
00:29:31 Quantum physics
00:32:32 What is mind?
00:34:25 Mind and spirits – EREAMS research – Oliver Lazar
00:38:07 Does the mind generate consciousness or is the mind a receiver of consciousness?
00:40:17 Is spirit a thing insubstantial which connects with the content body which “incarnates” – and possibly not only as soon as? – Jim Tucker, kid psychiatrist
00:41:25 Marty Martin – a single of the best research cases
00:45:57 How does the mind vary from the body-connected moi-consciousness? – Joachim Nicolay

Camera: Heike Sucky, Werner Huemer
Translation: Alexandra Grasmik, Peter Cox
Narrator: Peter Cox

A movie documentary by Werner Huemer

℗ Mediaservice Werner Huemer
© 2022 Thanatos Tv EN

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  1. I watched a video where John Cleese revealed much about his personal life, and I wanted to contact him so badly to tell him what I had learned about NDE's. I don't know why, but I felt compelled. And now it turns out he's rather receptive to it all. I'm so glad!

  2. I was doing the Wim Hoff breathing technique, held my breath a little too hard when I released I went semi-conscious but for a second I felt like I was a small different type of smaller consciousness from my gut, or down somewhere, maybe Vagus nerve? no time and no feelings just observing in a way and waiting, like sitting in a Cinema waiting for the screen to come on.

  3. Materialism is essential to imperialism to destroy natives peoples, like Germans and Japanese. Why are Germans obligated to turn over their graves? To prevent ancestor worship and communing with the dead.

  4. I find this very interesting as I've had OOB experiences as well as other 'strange' things happen. Because of this I felt there had to be something more than the physical, but kept getting hung up on the role of the brain, so think your work is very much needed. Would love to see all future findings.

  5. My husband was in a wicked bad car accident when he was 11yrs old. He had some major head trauma and was put in an induced coma for several days.
    He had an OBE while in the coma, where God showed him all the planets in our solar system and in space.
    My husband said he never looked up into His face but remembers his sandals and long white robe. He also said God was extremely tall and there was a bright glow around Him. He said he somehow just KNEW it was God even though those words were never spoken.
    Shortly after the coma he told his parents about it but they just shrugged it off and told him he only had a dream (even though people do NOT dream while in comas)
    Even though his parents were Catholic, they never went to church or talked much about God or Jesus, while my husband and brother in law were growing up. As a matter of fact, the only real religious teachings he was exposed to, was when he was in parochial school for 7th and half of 8th grade (which was AFTER the accident). So it's not as if he had many preconceived ideas about God prior to the accident.
    I do believe our spirit or consciousness DOES exist separately from our physical body and IMO, my husband's experience only further confirms this belief.
    So I just wanted to share this with everyone.

  6. Lots of vivid and compelling anecdotes and viewpoints here, but your shots of people in the fMRI machine suggest that the documentary will include some hard science demonstrating the separation between brain and mind/soul. That's the main issue, after all. But after watching the entire program, I was disappointed to find that no hard science is apparently available. Why even feature these fMRI scenes at all if they are not going to produce any fruitful information about whether the brain is a receiver or a generator of consciousness? Are we doomed to relying only on subjective reports? In your teaser a few days ago, you pose the question, "Are there convincing scientific approaches that could" settle the question? After watching the full-length presentation, I can see that the answer is "no," at least thus far. Better to acknowledge this bitter limit than to nurse the vague suggestion of a breakthrough.

  7. I’m a bit disappointed to the background music suddenly coming on when I’m trying to listen to this with my eyes closed.
    Didn’t expect any background music as programs made by this production team never have had it before.
    I’d be glad to hear background music if I were forced to listen to someone reading a telephone directory to me!
    These programs are so incredibly interesting, any music spoils them!
    Thank you so much.

  8. "Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. … Everything science has taught me-and continues to teach me-strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death. Nothing disappears without a trace". – Wernher von Braun

  9. I Don't have more doubts
    We are millenary spirits
    In new edition.
    Essa não é a primeira vez que estamos aqui.
    Já vivemos muitas vidas com muitas pessoas diferentes da nossa atual família.
    Voltamos em novos corpos carnais para continuar nossa jornada evolutiva na terra.
    O aprendizado nunca termina.








  10. This is very well done.

    In order to obtain an advanced degree, one only needs to be able to memorize and recall large amounts of data. One does not need to be highly capable of connecting the dots and recognizing the patterns within the data, which is the definition of “general intelligence.” In other words, one does not need to be highly intelligent to obtain university degrees. Most who do are what is called “middle wits” or “midwits.” However, these midwits do not understand that they are not highly intelligent but they imagine that they are because of the degrees they have obtained. These midwits are highly adherent to authority and cult-like behavior. The current cult is materialism and yet they will eventually reverse and succumb to our work when it has become sufficiently dominant. For now let them run their mouths – they will not be swayed by actual facts.

  11. That’s funny to hear people say they did not care about animals before their NDE, as if we ourselves are not an animal. We are clearly in the ape family and we slowly adapted on the beaches eating seafood which contains the necessary DHA to build these big brains. And that is why we look strange, somewhat like a sleek dolphins. The book ManApePig explains everything. And that’s why we are all psychologically attracted to the beach and why children dream about flying (swimming) and having difficulty moving their body (such as under water). We are spirit having experiences inside of clever beach apes.

  12. As someone who has personally had an Out of Body Experience and Lucid Dreams in which I have met my deceased uncles, I can confirm there is definitely more to Consciousness than just a product of brain function. I think consciousness is more than brain, and once upon a time I would never have accepted that. In fact, I used to think when you die it's lights out, oblivion. Oh how wrong I was…

  13. Science is today in a process of changing perspective, from materialism to acknowledging the mental (consciousness) nature of reality. On rational grounds. Without any need to bring in spirituality. So today, the materialistic assumption that defines consciousness as a byproduct of neuroactivity in the brain is seriously compromised, from within science. See the work of scientist and philisopher Bernardo Kastrup (and the many fantastic interviews of him here on Youtube) and Essentia Foundation, whose goal is precisely to spread this new scientific understanding of reality as an activity of an impersonal, all encompassing, consciousness.

  14. two possibilities if conciousness unphysical , first it's still in our physical dimension but in other form like energy wave that one day can be detect by high tech device, second it's beyond our physical dimension means it's on the other side dimension that not construct by our physical dimension, we can not detect it even with high tech device, but when it come to appear somehow into our physical dimension it can become part of our physical dimension existence like energy wave that can be detect by high tech device or felt by the sensitive organs of humans sense of waves , that sometimes can be convert into wave that our brain can perceive as personal physical existence, even this energy wave can transform somehow into element that can be detect by objective device like cctv camera. If someone under general anasthesia completely unconciouss then under supervision of high tech device that can detect all brain & brain stem activity , then this someone pass on thresshold of death, and can being save and going back to life, and at the time this someone should be dead, but instead has nde, then we may become more clear that this phenomenon is closer to unphysical. (O hey but we have a very convincing 'device – [experiencer]' that able to detect those two possibilities which is our own conciousness , ur observer conciousness is able to seeing within "that the other side" or detect energy wave outside).

  15. I'm trying to listen to it with my eyes closed, so I visualise everything best I can and concentrate, but this strange music comes suddenly from somewhere and I don't know for what reason!!!! This is more than annoying as you talk about such deep subject, yet you show such shallow and backwards attitude of compulsory background music, which is c!early not needed past the silent movie era!!!!We have sound to tell the story!!!
    My brain is perfectly capable of absorbing information without the background racket !!!!!
    These of us, who need background music, they can play music of their choice when listening to this program!!! You're dumping music of your choice on us!!
    I would love to listen to this program, but I'm turning it off and giving you thumbs down and not subscribing , of course.
    I'll be back if you remove this strange noise in the background! Thank you.

  16. The human entity is NOT "LIFE The Real Self" ! Consciousness is the function involving two Components; 1/ an Analytical process, involving the brain, and 2/. "AWARENESS", which in NO WAY is a human Component ! "LIFE The Real Self" or AWARENESS, is Non-Dimensional, and does NOT represent, nor even remotely looks anything like any species, including the human species !

  17. In that comparison raised by John Cleese – Galileo / the medieval priests and new research/conservative scientists – it appears the attitude or approach of an average scientist is not different from that of a medieval church authority.

    This episode captures all the essential elements in framing the clogged mindset beautifully.