Spontaneous Mediumship of Two Near-Death Experiencers

Spontaneous Mediumship of Two Near-Death Experiencers

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A research study found that a substantial number of near-death experiencers (NDErs) who never have a spontaneous mediumship experience (SME) before their NDEs experienced them afterwards—and that these experiences sometimes presented unique personal, moral, and social challenges.

In a spontaneous mediumship experience (SME), the experiencer is visited by one or more uninvited deceased individuals who ask the experiencer to convey a message to another living person. In some cases, the experiencer did not previously know the deceased individual and/or the living person.

In this panel presentation, the moderator (Dr. Janice Holden, a leading near-death experience researcher) will briefly summarize the study results, after which two NDErs will briefly describe their NDEs and overall aftereffects and then will provide detailed descriptions of their SMEs, any challenges their SMEs presented, and how they managed the challenges.

Source: 2017 IANDS Conference

✨ Janie Thompson’s web site: http://www.safehandshealing.com
✨ Beating the Odds: Bill Taylor on the Near-Death Experience That Changed His Life https://www.bocamag.com/to-the-stars-bill-taylor-on-the-near-death-experience-that-changed-his-life/
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✨ International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) → https://iands.org
✨ IANDS online events, groups and more → https://isgo.iands.org

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  1. …I was 8 years old when my great grandma past…she died in a hospital a few miles away….I received a voice telling me to open all windows….it was november in germany…my mother came home and she was not happy, because the house was cold….from that day on….I can communicate with ???….in many ways…I know ~ there are no coincidences….none….it is all perfectly done…all of it!
    ….your worries are useless…your tear’s about the past…..a waste of time. !!!

  2. Somos espiritos milenares.
    Essa não é a primeira vez que estamos aqui.
    Já vivemos muitas vidas com muitas pessoas diferentes da nossa atual família.
    Voltamos em novos corpos carnais para continuar nossa jornada evolutiva na terra.
    O aprendizado nunca termina.








  3. I have noticed the eyes of those sharing their NDE- the are so happy, like, blessedly happy… and so gentle… peaceful. And that’s what I can see in videos. In person, I can only imagine the energy. Must be wonderful!

  4. I’ve had several. I had an NDE when I was 4 (near drowning in a swimming pool)
    My spontaneous mediumship has always been while I was sleeping. I never dream that I remember, but these “visits” from deceased people are very real-lucid.. Usually a message that they know I’ll deliver to a living person, occasionally a question for what they should do, more rare a direct communication to-for me.

  5. I just learned recently of the condition of aphantasia where many of us never see pictures, visions, or never hear even our own internal monologue. Actually a majority of people return from near death without an out of body experience as have I. But it is interesting to me to hear the magical, mystical, experiences of those who do. People who have extra-sensory perceptions fascinate me. I have prayed my whole life but I have never seen, sense, or hear any response of myself, spirit, or deity. I know many who do have these experiences vividly and it bothers them that I cannot ever though I try hard to. I never see with my eyes shut. I think in concepts and ideas, no inaudible words, and I can't visualize. | wonder if there are some of us who are born without a spirit. It is not easy for me to believe, and sometimes I have had to pretend that I do believe to appease others who are adamant. I am aware there exists a myriad of things outside of my perception, though much can be phony or creatively manufactured to gain attention that makes my belief irrelevant but I do observe interested without bias. In most cases I can never tell if a person is lying. Faith and trust are luxuries I mostly just pretend to have but I struggle with it because deception is so common and I have been fooled many times.

  6. 1) A Stranger is ONLY some one you feel strange with #2) Just because some is related to you,DOES NOT neccesarily mean they can relate!!
    I've had similar experiences and one MUST SET healthy boudaires and ground rules for living for BOTH sides of the veil !! to and with the spirit world,as well,as definitely with people here in this world,too!!
    something positive:
    How to stay Tuned Up Spiritualyl,get clear around things emotionally,energectically & Other wise…here are some deep meaningful tools and applications…to add the quality of your lives. no selling ,no bull just sincere amplify the good,sowing good seeds,to help reduce the suffering on the planet and raise the joy,success and pray thee more peace..here ya go…
    https://lighthealing.com/collections/rejuvenizers   Keith

    Game changers for shure !!

    http://www.subliminal-shop.com/product/ultimate-monetary-success/    Ultra Success,Healing and more.Very,Very Advanced Technology!

    intrasound.org  DIVINE intervention in a bottle- au-natural.Bone/Muslce regen'/healing imho.

    remedies.net   Essiac Tea

    supergoodstuff.com  (MSM/TGM-emotional balancer/bone/muslce regen/more

    http://lighthealing.us/Cameron-Steele-CR_728v01.mp3 all in my humble expereinces and opinion!

  7. Ms. Janie Thompson – Thank you so much for sharing your NDE with so much love. My mother passed away last year; I trust that she is also being enveloped with warm light, unconditional love, desirable stay.

  8. Mr. William Taylor, Your explanation is understood! What an amazing description of your NDE. I lost my beloved elderly mother and it's comforting to learn that the process of "letting go" and "dying" is "so simple” and the loving "reality of existence" after death. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Please continue to share your experience and your gift.

  9. Mediums charge a hihh fee for a reading. I dont know why they find it necessary to charge that much. I guess one can a make a good living. Most read by appoinment only. Some do group readings. John Edwards and mediums like him must be very rich by now

  10. Suicide is this an emergency situation? Really? How do you send the light to the situation. I guess you really failed your friends girlfriend. I would suggest that if you really have this gift that you should really stay I tuned to the light.

  11. I think every life form has the right not to exist in the world i think life is horrendous idea life on earth is like a punishment specially for animals were it is either to hot or to cold and when they have to commit homicide just to eat or they will starve to death it seems God the creator has no respect for its own creation if that is the case i do not want anything to do with the Religion God's

  12. wonder how christian NDErs deal with what's said at Deuteronomy 18:10-13 about mediumship and premonitions.
    "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the Lord your God."

  13. Bill ,that was called Indra's Net !
    Look it up ,its amazing!
    I loved Dr Brian Weiss books Many LivesMany Master's.
    And Miracle's Happen.
    I calk tell that Bill is SPEAKING the Truth.
    OMGOSH I wrote my comment prior to my hearing you say Omega'! So thank you!