Dr. Bruce Greyson, Dr. Eben Alexander, and Suzanne Giesemann compare spiritual notes in this IANDS conference panel presentation.
About Dr. Bruce Greyson
Dr. Bruce Greyson is the Chester Carlson Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. He was previously on the medical faculty at the University of Michigan and the University of Connecticut, where he was Clinical Chief of Psychiatry. Dr. Greyson has consulted with the National Institutes of Health and addressed symposia on consciousness at the United Nations and at the Dalai Lama’s compound in Dharamsala, India. He has earned awards for his medical research and was elected a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, the highest honor bestowed by that organization.
Dr. Greyson’s interest in near-death experiences began just a few months after graduating from medical school, when he treated an unconscious patient in the emergency room who stunned him the next morning with an account of leaving her body. That event challenged his beliefs about the mind and the brain, and ultimately led him on a journey to study near-death experiences scientifically, leading to more than a hundred publications in medical journals. He co-founded the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), an organization to support and promote research into these experiences, and for 27 years edited the Journal of Near-Death Studies, the only scholarly journal dedicated to near-death research. Through his research, he has discovered common and universal themes in near-death experiences that go beyond neurophysiological or cultural interpretations, as well as patterns of consistent aftereffects on individuals’ attitudes, beliefs, values, and personalities. Dr. Greyson is the author of “After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond”. The book challenges our everyday ideas about our minds and our brains and offers key insights on how we can begin to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Bruce Greyson’s Website
About Suzanne Giesemann
Suzanne has a Bachelor’s Degree in foreign languages and speaks fluent Spanish She earned a Master’s Degree in National Security Affairs. In addition to her command tour and duties as special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations, and ultimately as aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, she served tours in naval intelligence, taught political science at the U.S. Naval Academy, and was a plans and policy officer for the U.S. Southern Command. Her overseas assignments were in Panama and Japan. Her military decorations include the Combat Action Ribbon and the Defense Superior Service Medal. Suzanne Giesmann’s website:
About Dr. Eben Alexander
A graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dr. Alexander received his medical degree from Duke University School of Medicine in 1980. He taught neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School in Boston for fifteen years and has performed over 4,000 neurosurgical operations. During his academic career he authored or co-authored over 150 chapters and papers in peer reviewed journals, authored or edited five books on radiosurgery and neurosurgery, and made over 230 presentations at conferences and medical centers around the world. Dr. Eben Alexander spent over 25 years as an academic neurosurgeon, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, the Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston. He thought he had a very good idea of how the brain generates consciousness, mind and spirit… until he had a near-death experience. Eben Alexander’s website:
Video Source: 2019 IANDS Conference
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I guess my only question is about that woman whose name I don't know, but she had attempted suicide multiple times during which one of those times had a NDE. The question is, why did she finally and completely commit suicide after, if they enjoy life more afterwards?
echoing dr. greyson's observation that young doctors/interns are interested in nde's…The German physicist Max Planck said that science advances one funeral at a time
dr. greyson recommended alan watts' "the book". it's one of my favorite books too
please decrease the volume of your intro to match the rest of the audio. when wearing headsets, it's painful
Amazing panel, thank you guys, maybe is time for me to share my experiences, I wish you all well, blessings
Why not go now?
This is great!
My dogs are here all the time, can’t wait to see them again ❤️
Rumi's poem are very consistent with NDE
I am neither Christian nor Jew, neither Magian nor Muslim, I am not from east or west, not from land or sea, not from the shafts of nature nor from the spheres of the firmament, not of the earth, not of water, not of air, not of fire. When I die
when my coffin
is being taken out
you must never think
i am missing this world
don’t shed any tears
don’t lament or
feel sorry
i’m not falling
into a monster’s abyss
when you see
my corpse is being carried
don’t cry for my leaving
i’m not leaving
i’m arriving at eternal love
when you leave me
in the grave
don’t say goodbye
remember a grave is
only a curtain
for the paradise behind
you’ll only see me
descending into a grave
now watch me rise
how can there be an end
when the sun sets or
the moon goes down
it looks like the end
it seems like a sunset
but in reality it is a dawn
when the grave locks you up
that is when your soul is freed
have you ever seen
a seed fallen to earth
not rise with a new life
why should you doubt the rise
of a seed named human
have you ever seen
a bucket lowered into a well
coming back empty
why lament for a soul
when it can come back
like Joseph from the well
pooh-poohing psychedelics ? BOOOOOOoooooo (I agree you dont want a bad trip)
What do you say to mental health caseworkers that think you're perhaps you were a suicidal eight year old when you were transformed to what you are today and a psychiatrist believes you are hallucinating. I went there with the understanding that they could help me with my disorder from tobacco, narcotics and alcoholic. It takes a transition to transform boundary and not just respect some of us are able to see the light and seeing things outside the box. Do you know? No
I wonder why Dr. Greyson's tears put me off? Surely the appropriate response to 'the truth' should be joy? Maybe I am not being compassionate enough. I suppose I'm not used to seeing men being so vulnerable… <3
Thank you for your insight it is so helpful…♥️ Yes I agree the conciousness is growing and definitely changing for hopefully the better..
Thank you for ongoing dialogue and experiences. What a blessing it is to have this!
Too much editing. I think we missed alot of other important points spoken.
"The kingdom is within you and in your midst."
Jesus, Gospel of Thomas
love all you do. thank you. you're doing this long enough so we may expect better sound quality. these mics you use… shiver… this upgrade would help every single listener and visitor.
If only there had been a inkling of this knowledge when I was growing up in the sixties and seventies, so much heartache and confusion could have been channeled into self awareness and spiritual growth. Catholicism with its brutal dogma and brainwashing wiped away the good person I could have been. A new perspective would have completely changed my life.
Fascinating stuff! Can anyone tell me name and author of the book Dr. Eben Alexander recommends around 16:03 please?
The ancient Jewish writers (Israel) in the first century knew nothing about reincarnation, hell or the afterlife. The Hebraic scriptures used sumbolic langauge to defined certain beliefs that one can't add words or thoughts to make it appear reincarnation is actually being addressed or supported with John the Baptist. The major theme addressed with first century Israel is the promised made to Abraham that God was going to send the spiritual seed (the last Adam) who was a type (of Isaac) and who was going to be the promised Mesiah. He (Jesus or Yashua) was going to take away her (Israels) sins and destroy spiritual death that orginated in the first Adam and was passed on to mankind. Mankind did not inherit Adam's sin, they were sinners (verb). This promised became realized in the first century when the second promise to Abraham was given that "the nations of the earth shall be blessed." Today there are no religions but ONLY one man or one new creation on the earth. We live on the new spititual heaven and earth because every ancient prophecy of the covenant (the law and the prophets) was fulfilled by Jesus Christ.
NDE:s are not the very least compatible with Christianity, or Abrahamism at all for that part. The specific contradictions between Christianity and NDE:s are the following:
* Christianity explicitly denies reincarnation, there is one life, we are judged by God and either go to an eternal Heaven or an eternal Hell, and nothing inbetween,
* Christianity explicitly denies the preexistence of our souls, in the conflict against the Gnostics, since that destroys the Heaven-or-Hell doctrine,
* Christianity explicitly claims that we will rise on the Day of Judgement bodily, in the conflict against the Gnostics — there will be no individual afterlife experience, unless being "hallucinations caused by demons",
* the original ("true" according to Christian reasoning) Christianity explicitly claimed that the world will soon be destroyed in a war between God and Satan, where God will win — the mad Millerites are actually right in this.
There are a lot of modern Christians believing that just any belief is compatible with Christianity, but they then ignore the entire Church history and its internal battles and schisms. In short: Christianity (and all Abrahamisms, for that part) are simply false. They are falsehoods.
Sorry typo. Dr Greyson my apologies
Dear Dr Grayson
Thanks for this presentation
The bottom line of knowledge is its adaptation in life to transform everyone to the “Reality” Your presentation did this to a large extent
I see religions, like psychedelics to some degree, as simply windows to God. They prescribe a set of beliefs and activities that have the power to bring a person into contact with God. However, religion is clearly not necessary. Although, for some people they religion is necessary for a time.
I am a member of a traditional religion. Deep down I know it's simply all metaphores that contain wisdom from previous generations of people who have sought to connect with God. However, I allow myself, on the surface, to believe in my religion more literally because it really draws me close to God when I do. It's really odd. At times I really believe my religion is literally true but behind that belief is the belief that's it's just one path to God.
Either way, my most important beliefs contain no contradictions. I know God is love and draws everyone to himself/herself. All my other beliefs are just decorations.
This was so good , I could have listened to you guys all day.
Certain pieces of music is like connecting with a different realm
Yes we are Spiritual Beings Given they're communicating using language/concepts, lets be mindful of how those things are regulated/ordered. If we can't do that, we will be taking the more real dangerously lightly.