She Walked With Jesus In Heaven During Her Near Death Experience

She Walked With Jesus In Heaven During Her Near Death Experience

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Near-Death Experience Podcast guest 517is Gloria O’Neil Savage writer, expert singer and co-founder of the 1st accredited …

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  1. 2:03 Probably Hebrew. Just a guess though in light of who we are talking about and Latin derives from Hebrew . 7:54 Yep. That sounds like a decision making process Jesus Christ would make. He honors honorable choices that descendants of Adam and Eve make. He never behaves differently. 16:55 I've heard it said we are in the "breath of God" which matches Genesis 2 : 7 when it is said God put His breath into Adam. We all stand in the breath of God or we die. God breathes life/love. 21:06 I'll push the worship of Jesus Christ. Adam and Eve repented after raising them from the dead multiple times. God promised to send Jesus Christ to live, suffer and die like Adam and Eve in order to restore them to paradise. Any of Adam and Eve's descendants that honor the love Jesus Christ has shown to Adam and Eve will also be honored in paradise. Adam and Eve were part of the first harvest after Jesus rose from the dead to ascend to Heaven before appearing to the disciples. When Jesus Christ comes again among clouds of glory (UFOs), the honored faithful will be the second and final harvest of Adam and Eve's descendants.

  2. Oh My God, this podcast had me in tears of joy , the singing was awesome. Jeff please have this person on again, she is wonderful. Jeff you are instrumental in bringing these NDES to life . What would we do without you. You must catalog and archive all these Podcast so they will never be lost . I am sure you have but I feel you don’t realize the importance of these NDES podcast. So much knowledge is gained from them. I don’t know if you have a library of them or not but I have listened to maybe about 50 of them and would will have to go back and listen to some of them again for references. But back to this podcast I am in love with this character, she is opening my heart and touching me so much that my head is spinning, I mean literally spinning. I had to pause after her singing just to regain composure as I am at work. Taking a breath and going back to listen to the end of this wonderful and awesome podcast. I just finished listening to this episode and heard Gloria say her name ,””Gloria”” I am sure she was introduced in the very beginning but I was not paying attention I was so involved with her story . It was like going to a movie and and you start watching the surroundings and you forget where you are until the end of the movie. A movie that you can’t wait for the sequel. I imagine one day Jeff they will make a movie of these NDES and I am sure you will be one of the main characters. Thanks again Jeff to you and Gloria who made my day , I am blessed.

  3. So IF God Controls ALL, and I am PERSECUTED All of My life, and my Abusers FLOURISH, this means God is my ABUSER. Yet WHY? Why is GOD such a MONSTER to Persecute a loving mother.? TO rip my children away? To put me in prison for loving them? TO reward my enemies any time they harm me? I keep asking him to STOP the abuse or END my life, but he must be ENTERTAINING HIMSELF watching me suffer..

  4. I feel her sincerity and genuineness. Thank you so much, Gloria for sharing your amazing experience. You are such an inspiration. God bless you always. Thank you Jeff and Mara for another beautiful podcast. God bless you both,

  5. Oh therapists sometimes might jump to the conclusion if you say your on a mission might have jumped to conclusions if you say that because one of the tests for narcasismn ask do you think you have a bigger mission in life but the thing is everyone is special everyone has a purpose in life and the body of Christ has different parts fingers toes so we all have a purpose and it fits together like a puzzle to a higher expression and purpose in God's purpose just like you might be the eyes I might be the ears