Near Death Experience: How to Pass the Test of Life | Alba Monn Near Death Experience Part 2

Near Death Experience: How to Pass the Test of Life | Alba Monn Near Death Experience Part 2

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Near Death Experience: How to Pass the Test of Everyday living | Alba Monn Near Death Experience Part 2

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This is Portion 2 of my job interview with Alba Monn about her near death experience, which was a shared-death experience with her little one.
Observe Aspect 1 listed here:


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E-book: Proof of Eternity:

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Melissa Denyce

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Books I Really like:

That All Shall Be Saved by David Bentley Hart:
The Inescapable Really like of God by Thomas Talbott:
Her Gates Will Never ever Be Shut by Bradley Jersak:
Enjoy Wins by Rob Bell:

Impressed TEXTS:
Greek Orthodox Review Bible:
Aramiac Peshitta New Testomony Translation:
The New Testomony: A Translation (Translation by David Bentley Hart):
Young’s Literal Translation:
A System in Miracles:
The Gospel of Thomas: Wisdom of the Twin:


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  1. I am happy+thankful for the opportunity to share my NDE. All who want to know how our lives are judged on the other side, come with me to the hall of truth and the scales of life! As I described everything in my paperback and eBook PROOF OF ETERNITY by Alba Monn!!!
    I have been given a PROOF OF ETERNITY by my daughter in our shared near-death experience.
    ETERNITY is real, the other side is a fact, and I can testify that my world view and my whole life has changed after experiencing the whole range of insights of my NDE!
    At our daughter's funeral, the most amazing, uplifting, joyful and beautiful music was performed. Mozart, K 315 – this music was a statement. Everyone who attended her funeral should know that death was not the end, but that we as parents are united with our deceased child in love, peace, joy and thankfulness about her existence on the other side in ETERNITY!

  2. Hear me out friend. This is not directly about this video but i found this channel years ago when i was struggling a lot with mental healt strongly but found some relief from christian universalism, but quickly fell back into atheism or at least nonbelief. I was not raised in any faith nor in a religious society. Now many years have passed and i am struggling again with mental healt and i have decided to find God for real because i and friends and family and therapists and doctors cannot guide me into lasting well being. And it's not their ultimate responsibility as they are humans after all! It is between me and God.

    But i would like to know how do YOU know God? I like some things you say but i would like to know how do you know that you are speaking the truth and not simply what you want to be true? I don't say this as an accuser but as a seeker.

    See my problem is that while i feel drawn to this beautiful idea of a loving Jesus, there are so many issues i struggle with about it. Maybe you can give me your OWN OPINION about these problems, no pressure. You are not my Savior or God, just a co-human being:

    1) How do you trust the Gospels spiritually since it has seemingly clear contradictions, we are not sure of its authors and even Jesus's prophecy about coming back within that generation seems to be failed or at least is very hard to reconcile without feeling like an olympic level mental gymnast. Sure these things would not be as damning if Gospel was just some story that is kinda nice to read and put back to the shelf etc. but for a story that is supposed to transform our whole being and put our trust into, it seems like a weak foundation.

    2) I love the idea of God incarnating as a human so that we can have a concretic representation of the living God. But having studied islam a lot for example, Allah is very critical of Jesus being divine at all let alone literally God and this is considered a very big sin. So do you sometimes feel guilty of idolatry and feel like maybe you are making a mistake by treating Jesus as God? (and especially if the Gospels are not totally trustworthy, then saying that this man described in the Gospels is God, is quite scary in the sense that i don't want to offend God if Jesus actually isn't God)

    3. Most personal problem of mine is this. When i started reading the Bible about 8 years ago i came quickly to the realization that i cannot put my trust into the Bible. So i started to seek Jesus through prayer and wished to find a direct personal union/relationship with him, because i felt like Jesus is greater than the Bible. But i didn't find Jesus despite wanting to. For 8 years i have prayed to find him on and off, feeling like i am just lying to myself. So my question is twofold. Why do you think Jesus has not answered to me by now (at least in a way that i sincerely feel trustworthy)? And do you think we can find a truly living Jesus Christ to build a strong relationship with that is not build upon the Bible but to direct experience of Jesus? ((I mean, if i want to know Jesus, i should go directly to him right? He should know himself without the Bible right? He is who the Bible is about so building my relationship directly with him should be more trustworthy than building it upon a book right?))

    4. Have you had some direct experiences of Jesus where he is truly living and real? I don't mean like a little feeling or inspiration but more like "wow, this is as real as my own hands and if this experience is not real then nothing is"? Like maybe even Jesus actually appearing to you like he appeared to the apostles after resurrection or to Paul.

    Maybe i have too High standards and that is the reason why i can never find faith, but i just really want to find the mighty beautiful all good loving gentle Jesus and know that i am not deceived.

    Peace, love and blessings to You.

  3. It's a battle between good and evil. It's a battle in our hearts and souls. Like in the movie Eyes wide shut by Stanley Kubrick, when the director shows the way a couple walk down the path of destruction!!! It's about destroying the trust in each other, it's about the effects on a sexual relationship, if there's that basic trust in being true to each other, is gone.
    What's the meaning of being true to someone?! It's obvious that the meaning is, for me, you are not just a body. A mere object for my own pleasure. You are thousand times more important than just your body!!!
    Love is impossible if you see each other as bodies alone.
    In the scene where Alice is irritated by the attempt to seduce her by stranger, she is not in the power struggle against a husband anymore. She feels free to leave the expectations of society behind and step out into the unknown, not knowing what this might mean for her daughter.
    She is seduced by destructive forces that lead to a path of losing everything she has, even the love of her husband and child.
    For mere pleasure?!
    Oh no, sex and money are the two most powerful ways to gain influence on someone else. To change someone's actions because of money, or the promise of money. Or to change someone's actions because of sex, or the promise of sex.
    What nobody seems to realize is that both Bill and Alice are walking down a path of destruction.
    A path of being seduced to do and say destructive things to each other. To go down a path of losing everything they believed in, at the beginning of the movie.
    Their marriage seemed safe, but they are seduced to go astray. It doesn't matter if it's only in their dreams. It's a inner reality that very much effects their very own respective private lives!!!
    It's a tale of betrayal, of destruction, of the effects on everyone when money and power and sex are involved to make someone do things and say things that are against their own moral convictions.
    That's the seduction of evil, that's the way both of them are possessed by the forces they never acknowledged in this movie. They never tried to save themselves from the evil influence of others.
    They are like children in a fairytale, they play along until it's too late!!! What Stanley Kubrick was showing us is the way people are made to follow the powerful ones.
    Until they can't resist those destructive, evil forces. Until they are victims of the destructive power behind all of the harsh reality of the powerful ones.
    Telling us that it's not us who possess our own bodies!!
    It's them. They can do what they want with our bodies. They can make us dress, shave, have beards and hairdos that they want us to choose.
    They can make us dye our own hair and eat or drink what they want, what they show us in advertisements.
    They can make us use each other just as bodies. As flesh alone. Just for sex and physical attraction. To be disposed of afterwards whenever we feel like it.
    That's the powerful message of this movie, that it works. It works with us, and it was shown to us how it works with Bill and Alice.
    They treat each other just as bodies in the last scene. They feel like there's only carnal desires left. They have finally reached the end of the rainbow. Where there's nothing else but bodies and your own gratification, nothing else anymore. No love, no trust, not even responsibilities anymore.
    Their child walks away, follows the two strange men that were following Bill and Alice.
    It's obvious that they are about to let their daughter be a future female member of such parties.
    The whole family is destroyed by destructive, evil forces.
    And Bill and Alice treat each other as bodies. Just like their own daughter will be treated in the future. Just as the other beautiful girls, as mere bodies, like sheep. Like the sheep to be slaughtered.
    That's the truth in this movie, and there was a huge fight with the company, and he refused to cut the movie. And a few days later, he was dead. What a coincidence. That's what happens to bodies, when they are no longer useful, like in the movie he was courageous enough to make. They cut the most dangerous scenes out and made it a success. It's about the money. And about the bodies. The bodies that are used to make some people richer. And to keep the sheep happy and full of trust. It's necessary to use beautiful decorations to hide the harsh truth. The truth is, we are the happy sheep. And like puppets on a string, we act like Bill and Alice if we have the chance. And we're not even aware that it's our own identity we give away, our own belief system, our own moral attitudes, our own credibility, until it's too late and the evil forces have ruled over us as they wish.

  4. It's all about the importance of what we bring with us when we die. Do we bring a pure heart, are we prepared for the most important thing in our life, our life result?!
    Forgiving everyone who hurt us is necessary to get rid of these people's negative impact on our lives!!!
    Without forgiveness, we are still bound to these people as if we were in handcuffs, forced to follow their tracks.
    The other necessary thing is to repent our own mistakes in the past. In some cases, even severe sins had not been counted on the other side, when there had been remorse and deep regret concerning those deeds. That's a powerful message to change everyone's life result for the better!!!

  5. It's an important message to hear that all of us will have to stand before the JUDGEMENT of our life results. It's not possible to change anything for the better, then! It's only possible if you decide to FORGIVE and do it. That's powerful even in ETERNITY. We can only change our life results for the better through forgiving others.
    It's shining the light you offer to a toxic situation, towards others and yourself at the same time!!!

  6. The other side is hoping for a lot of people who had an NDE to raise awareness about the afterlife.
    But it's not always easy to come up with it, there's a lot of controversy over the NDE topics and it's not easy to risk criticism from the people you trust and love, that's why a lot of people don't talk about their NDE.
    It's a big problem that humanity doesn't have a clue what happens after death. But it's only true for the last one hundred years or so!!!
    Before that time, everyone on earth knew that there's an afterlife, there's eternity.
    The oldest things we find of our ancestors, some of those things are thirty thousand years old, are things that were put into graves of loved ones. That's a proof that even then, people believed in the afterlife. They knew that there's eternity, just like there's human life on earth!!!
    It's a scam to blind us.
    It's a scam to make us go astray. If we knew that there's eternity, that there's a life review and that we must stand before judgement and explain what we have done in our own life's time, we would take a lot of care of the most precious thing there is, our soul.
    And the harvest that our soul brings back to eternity.