Jan Holden – NDE as Passage into Spontaneous Mediumship Experiences

Jan Holden – NDE as Passage into Spontaneous Mediumship Experiences

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NDE as Passage into Spontaneous Mediumship Experiences — Janice Holden, EdD

Since 1975, researchers have conducted over 65 studies involving over 2,500 near-death experiencers (NDErs) on four continents (Holden, Greyson, & James, 2009). As a result, much is now known about the circumstances, contents, and aftereffects of NDEs. In general, the more complex the NDE, the more the NDEr will subsequently evidence physical, psychological, spiritual, and social changes—often profound transformation (Noyes, Fenwick, Holden, & Christian, 2009). As much as is known about NDE aftereffects, more remains to be understood. An apparently less-addressed aftereffect is what Holden (2013) termed spontaneous mediumship experiences (SMEs) based on her anecdotal observations. SMEs are a subset of after-death communication (ADC). What sets SMEs apart as a sub-phenomenon is that the deceased person may be more likely not to be a loved one, and the deceased person conveys to the SMEr a message he or she wishes the SMEr to convey to yet another living person—someone whom the SMEr may or may not know. In this presentation, the presenter will describe results of the first quantitative study as well as two case studies investigating this phenomenon including implications for future research and counseling.

More about Jan Holden: https://www.coe.unt.edu/facultystaff-department/janice-miner-holden

For more information on near-death experiences, visit http://iands.org
For information about IANDS conferences, visit http://conference.iands.org

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  1. When she spoke right along 4:30 about the watches.
    Now I know why I Can Wear watches only if they have something in between my skin and my Stainless steel back. I have a old 70's style leather watch band. The only one that still works.
    That makes sense!

  2. The belief that consciousness is merely a brain function arises in ignorance of the "Literal Present"; i.e, how long is the present? If what's already happened belongs to the past, what's yet to happen belongs to the future, and what's happening right now belongs to the present–then we must ask, how much "time" passes between present and future: A year…a week…a day…a nanosecond? Logically, there is zero time! Too short for anything physical to occur. Not even the orbit of an electron around an atom! So then, if not in a physical universe, where is the experience of life? Only in Consciousness, the timeless here and now, the ultimate singularity, comprising an infinity of multiverses and all life lived and yet to be lived. Here is the home of eternal Soul, which many visit in a near death experience.

  3. I tried but couldn't focus to absorb the info being presented due to all of the "Ums"……. Drops the presentation from something that appears professional, at first glance, to amateur, VERY QUICKLY.

  4. STOP coining acronyms to do do with what is a perfectly simple phenomenon Those who experience anything which shows there are are higher dimensions is normal because we ars all spirits and we return to our real home when we pass! Spirits come when they are needed, AADC are another complication which there is no need for Spirit communications has not changed since time immemorial

  5. So great to see you Jan!!!  You are still at it and just a relentless advocate for use NDEers – you will never know how much you helped me during my post NDE distress.  I am much more peace now – but I am definitely a very different person!  Randy and I are still together and going strong – that's a miracle!  Very hard for a spouse to cope with an NDEer.  The bubbles/soul bubbles – I saw them so clearly during my NDE.  Since I am painting now, one of my "goals" is to try to paint a soul bubble.  I'll let you know if I can ever capture any of that experience on canvas – not trying for it – just seeing how it goes….letting it unfold…it's how I am now – not driven at all – just letting it unfold from within.  (Gosh – I sound like I am in Woodstock or something!!!:)  Angie Wilson

  6. This is utter misinformation,after listening for twenty seconds this was why we're Spirit have interaction between the incarnate person because we are Spirit and our original home is Spirit and that is we're return when we pass. We are divine spirit and we sojourn this Earth to experience. Spirits come to their loved ones because of s love bond between them It is not a manner of people are in earth conditions and can,t get out . Every person who has some knowledge of the Spirit world have a write but do not put yourself as an expert because know one is why do investigators like complicate every the mgmt with scientific labels on the Spirit withdrawing from Trauma ,they are all the same process. I ought to know I am Mediumistic and have had several of these phenomena.The Consciousness just withdraws it is attached to the body by an energetic cord when separated The person Will find themselves on the other dissEnters has always been an interaction between Spirit and incarnate because there is no barrier..