I Met Jesus And The Holy Spirit During My Out Of Body Experience | OBE

I Met Jesus And The Holy Spirit During My Out Of Body Experience | OBE

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  1. 99% of Catholics have no idea how to define the Trinity. The priest couldn't define it, that's why he gave that terrible answer. I've found that during my time as a pastor, if you don't know the answer to something, you need to be honest. You tell the person that you don't know, but you're sure going to find out and find someone who does.

  2. Sometimes the critical moments and the darkness and confusion are times that your spiritually growing closer to God and learning about spiritual things so just because we are believers does not mean we do not suffer as Christ did and we should rejoice in our suffering as we suffer as he did

  3. So happy for your experience, as it brought you closer to God. I however feel that "religions" are a man-made construct and not at all what God or Christ intended. The Central tennet to His message was not to build beautiful buildings and adorn our elders with gold and fine clothes and preach to others, but to act in Love for one another. For if we truly LOVE one another and respect one another there is no need for a "formal religion"…..The meer fact that there are so many religions on earth, all trying to win our loyalties, suggests that "religions" fail us. Faith is far more than religion.