Do People Really See Jesus During A Near Death Experience?

Do People Really See Jesus During A Near Death Experience?

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Podcast guest #188 is Cyrus Kirkpatrick. In this podcast we discuss about if people actually see Jesus during their near death …

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  1. Hi Jeff, excellent interview once again! Cyrus is very well spoken and has brought out intriguing perspectives from an OBE point of view. I watched this interview twice in the last 24 hours, very informative. Thank you Cyrus for being you and Jeff for bringing him onboard 🙂

  2. Interesting what he says a 29:27 'Consciousness creates biology to represent it' This process is described scientifically in Kashmir Shaivism, which goes into detail about how Pure Consciousness descends into matter through a specific number of categories and 'tattva's' and it explains how the spiritual path/Self Realization is the process of reversing that descent into matter

  3. This guy is deceived. I had a near death experience, and the revelation I got is that if you don't know Jesus here you want know him there. . The natural mind can not understand, Yes God said that in the bible. Satan has deceived Him and without the Holy Spirit you will be deceived. That's why we must trust the Son of God, (Jesus) Ye MUST be born again or you will be deceived!!

  4. I have heard Jesus described as being a representative of the human collective over-soul. That's not to reduce him to some sort of energy phenomenon… he's a real being with a consciousness deeply embodying unconditional love; he is very purely God in human form. I suspect he doesn't show up to beings from other collectives on other planets, and perhaps is less likely to show up to those of us who are less deeply associated with Earth as a soul (like having relatively few incarnations here).

  5. I like this guy's sense of adventure. it's important to understand, though, that the spiritual world is vast and has many levels closed off to astral projection. so, one gets neither the full story nor the entire truth in these travels .

  6. let me explain lord jesus christ can split as many parts as he wants so he can attend every people hat dies if he wish..

    if you can see buddhist temple paintings and see paintings of bodhisattvas they are painted as one person and there after him are 1000 copies of that person painted because bodhhisatvas they vow to help people and if necessery to split he s mind 1000 times.. so lord jesus is god so he is resides in every humans heart soul whatevar..
    astral realm from the point where jesus angels god realms starts is the lowest so they dont hang out there

  7. Cyrus is SO interesting! I’d LOVE to hang out with him! He is SO right about things not being what they seem here and on the Other Side! Source is capable of ANYTHING and can give you WHATEVER experience It wants you to have! It’s ALL God in drag!! Even Jesus!

  8. I fell asleep and kinda drifted in and out of this, but I did hear him mention the name of the man that is part of freemason satanism so there you go. Of course he's going to try and dissuade people from believing in our Saviour. Yahusha / Yeshua is real! King of kings and Lord of lord's

  9. Please let Cyrus Kirkpatrick know that the reason he met Alister Crowley was the principle of Attention-Intention and that he(Allister) was aware of the interest he was getting from another soul, hence he took notice and invited him to meet.