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Jesus Confirms the Existence of Aliens to An American
When conversing with Jesus and a team of angels, in June ’85, Howard Storm asked them inquiries on many subject areas: one part...
The Case of Dr. Eben Alexander: A True Story
This was on 20/20 on Oct 26, 2012. 20/20 is an ABC newsmagazine. In 2008, Dr. Eben Alexander III, a neurosurgeon, was attacked by a d...
Neuroscientist Sees 'Proof of Heaven' in Week-Long Coma
This was on ABC’s “NIGHTLINE” on Oct 24, 2012. In November 2008, Dr. Eben Alexander III, a Harvard neurosurgeon, was attacked b...
George Ritchie's Encounter with Christ
In December 1943, personal George Ritchie died of pneumonia. Nine minutes later on, he returned to daily life. His experience will al...